Feedback Survey: We have sent an email asking for feedback with a link to an online survey here is the link.

Contribution for GP's to Help Us Identify HBV Patients

The Hepatitis Foundation of New Zealand (HFNZ) provides a national monitoring programme for patients that have tested positive for hepatitis B. We monitor these patients because long term monitoring improves health outcomes. You can help us identify new hepatitis patients by undergoing screening blood tests.

When you refer new patients to us (to access monitoring) we provide a financial contribution:

$100 for each new hepatitis B positive patient referral to HFNZ

The details on this contribution and how to qualify for it has been clarified below.

New Referrals to HFNZ


$100 inclusive of GST per patient until 30 June 2025.


All these blood test results need to be provided:

  • Hepatitis B Serology - HBsAg, HBeAg, Anti-HBc, Anti-HBs

  • LFTs include AST (Liver Function Tests)

  • AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein)


Ensure the patient is aware of the referral to HFNZ by getting consent.


Send referral to HFNZ through HealthLink (CareSelect), Best Practice, ERMS or Medtech Outbox.
Patient referrals can be completed via phone, or referral form online


  • Send an invoice to

  • You can invoice HFNZ with each new patient referral.

  • Invoices must include the Patients: NHI, and DOB.

  •  Please include your Bank Account Number

*Please note this used to be called the GP Incentive.

Please feel free to contact us on 0800 33 20 10 or with any questions.

Or refer to our Management of Hepatitis B booklet.


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