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Morning tea competition helps educate GPs

GPs around New Zealand are encouraged to get involved in a competition ahead of World Hepatitis Day in July. 

The Hepatitis Foundation of NZ is giving away a morning tea to the GP clinic with the most creative hepatitis display board. Entries are welcomed from around the country. GP clinic teams simply need to create a hepatitis display and send photos of their efforts to by July 24.

The morning tea competition has run for the past several years with great results, and Susan says plenty of creative entries are anticipated again this year. 

This competition is part of the foundation’s World Hepatitis Day promotions. World Hepatitis Day is celebrated around the world every July, giving people a chance to learn about hepatitis and highlighting the importance of getting tested if you think you may be at risk. The virus is the main cause of liver cancer in New Zealand, but this is preventable if hepatitis is monitored and liver cancer is detected early.   


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