Feedback Survey: We have sent an email asking for feedback with a link to an online survey here is the link.


So you've registered with us. What happens now?

Once you’ve registered with the foundation, you’ll receive a package from us that will include:

•    A consent form for you to sign and return. This asks you to give us permission to collect and store your health information for the purposes of assessment and care. It also asks for your consent for us to work with your GP/specialist to provide ongoing support, monitoring and clinical follow-up
•    A letter confirming your blood test results or a blood test form if you haven’t yet been tested or testing is incomplete
•    Brochures with all the basic information you need to know about hepatitis B.

A nurse will then contact you to offer support, answer any questions you may have and complete an assessment so we can give you the best possible ongoing care. We will keep in touch with you and send reminders when your six-monthly blood tests are due. Please also feel free to call our helpline if you need further support or have questions.


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